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West Lake Tours(2)
日期:2011年03月22日 来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 点击: 

One of the major attractions in West Lake: Three Pools Mirroring the Moon islandIn middle of the Tang Dynasty Zhenyuan era (785-804), poet Bai Juyi came to Hangzhou as governor. Already an accomplished poet, his deeds at Hangzhou made him a great governor. He realised that the farmland nearby depended on the water of West Lake, but due to negligence of former governors, the old dyke had collapsed, the water level of West Lake dried out, and the local farmers suffered severe drought. He ordered the construction of a stronger and taller dyke, with a dam to control the flow of water, and thus solved the drought problem. The livelihood of local people of Hangzhou improved over the following years. Now that Bai Juji had more leisure time to enjoy the beauty of West Lake, he visited West Lake almost every day. He ordered the construction of a causeway connecting the Broken Bridge with the Solitary Hill, to facilitate walking on foot, instead of depending on boat. Then he planted peach trees and willows trees along the dyke, making it a beautiful landmark of West Lake. This causeway was later named Bai Di Causeway in Bai Juyi's honour.

Over two hundred years later, in the beginning of Song Dynasty's Yuanyou era (1086-1094), another great poet, Su Shi (Su Dongpo), came to Hangzhou as governor. By that time, the farmers suffered drought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottom of the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. He ordered dredging of the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of Bai Causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long, he also planted willow trees along its banks. This causeway was later named after him as the Su Causeway. There are six bridges along the 2.6 km Su Causeway. "Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway" is one of the attractions at the West Lake.

Ten Scenes of West Lake
 View of the West Lake from a row boatThe Ten Scenes of West Lake (西湖十景), each marked by a stela with the name written in the calligraphy of the Emperor Qianlong Emperor, are:

Spring Dawn on the Su Causeway (苏堤春晓)
Orioles Singing in the Willows (柳浪闻莺)
Viewing Fish at Flower Pond (花港观鱼)
Winery Yard and Lotus Pool (曲苑风荷)
Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill (南屏晚钟)
Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake (平湖秋月)
Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow (雷峰夕照)
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月)
Lingering Snow on Broken Bridge (断桥残雪)
Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds (双峰插云) - The "Jungfrau of West Lake"


上一篇:HaiNan Tours   
ADD: Hongyang Yihao, No.48 Da Qiao Bei Road Pukou District Nanjing, China
Postecode: 210031
Stone Forest
Elephant Trunk Hill
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